Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Needing Some Inspiration?

I keep a folder of quotes and inspirational stories thinking that one day they might come in handy....maybe when Lily needs a new perspective to overcome a challenge or to heal a broken heart or to take on her wildest dreams.

Truthfully, I need these bits of wisdom more often than I seek them out.

In January I am going back to school (night classes) for graphic design. I am so nervous for many reasons. I guess because I am putting myself out there to learn something I really want to be good at -- but might not be. And, I have more to loose and balance than ever before. That all being said, it feels so right!

I found this little blurb in my folder last night and it really hit home.....thought I would share:

Have You Bloomed Lately?

Be the centerpiece, not the wallflower.

Don't wait for Spring to shed the comforter of inertia that keeps you asleep in the bud,
the permafrost of habit that keeps you stuck in a no-growth zone.

Stop wishing - start working.
Quit waiting - start groundbreaking.

What's the story you're waiting to be, the super power you've been hiding, the seed you haven't watered, the calling you've put in hold, the forgiveness you've withheld, the next step you haven't taken?

There's a wild flower in you waiting to blossom.

A back-to-nature barefoot zinnia.
A Chanel camellia searching for a spotlight.
A passionflower on the prowl.
A stargazer LILY with sky-high dreams.
A rambling rose ready to pull up roots and see this world.

It's never too late in the season to grow into your true nature.


1 comment:

Whisker Graphics said...

Congratulations on taking Graphic Design classes! It will be great. It's so important to keep learning and nurture your creativity!
ps. thanks for the very nice comments you left on my blog:)

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