Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Road Trip Memoir

One way to pass the time on a road trip (especially when a 1-year-old and dog are your passengers) is to take silly photos along the way! Enjoy my documentary!

2:23 p.m. - Mommy, Lily and Izzy loaded up and heading south! Notice the garbage bags packed with presents! Classy!

3:45 p.m. - Heading over the skyway bridge. I swear my eyes are on the road.

3:35 p.m. - I stuck to my guns. No DVD until we've been in the car for an hour! But, now let it roll.....thank God for remote-controlled DVD player and Elmo video! Next stop - Wendy's for a diet coke!

4:45 p.m. - Lily is bored with now reading The Brave Penguin to Izzy.

4:57 p.m. - Mommy is bored.....I am taking pictures of myself in the review mirror. Lily seems to be napping.
5:08 p.m. - Got my second wind! Power 96 TRAFFIC JAM! "
Play at your own risk".....taking me way back, baby! (Lily is doing baby dance in the back photo available)
6:08 p.m. - This is our exit!
Who-hoo. 40 minutes to
the mother land!
Capri - here we come!

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