Today my mom celebrates 60 years of life! Six wonderful decades of living, learning, loving, sharing, crying, playing, doing, not doing, wishing, hoping, holding, releasing, praying, talking, screaming, whispering, hugging, shopping, paying, cooking, cleaning, letting go, moving on, gaining wisdom, losing baggage, earning respect, teaching others, setting goals, breaking boundaries, raising kids, training a husband, basking in the family she has built, reveling in life-long friendships!
I am so proud to be a part of her journey. I know her life is bigger than me, but she always made me feel like the only priority. And, now I sit between a wonderful mother and an angel of a daughter. How lucky can I be? I can only hope my life is as full of verbs as hers.....and to add a few to the list, we did plenty of eating and drinking to celebrate!
Actually, the day was so much fun. The company was great and
the conversation..... hilarious!
Thank you for planning such a special day and including me.
Got my fix for the day! Your road trip was amazing{so are you] I vote for a yearly shopping birthday lunch..everyone agree?!
How privileged I feel to have been a part of something so special.
It's wonderful to see the enduring bond of all your friendships.
Marcey you are testament to the love you were raised with and are now bestowing on Lily.
Lucky Charlie and Cathy
Lucky Marcey
and Lucky Lily
that doesn't just happen, you know ?!
Think Mary should start her own blog?! Pretty good writing.
Exactly what I was thinking! Awesome writing!
Don't leave home without Mary!
That group does not look 60! What water do they drink?
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