Thursday, October 15, 2009

Starting Tomorrow.....

With 14 weeks left to go, I got quite the talking to from my OB/GYN today. 

I gained too much weight this month for her liking. 

While most people tell me I look small for my gestation, I have to admit, I have been a mega indulger this pregnancy. I eat ALL the time. And, not such good stuff. Carbs galore! Lots of cereal. Ice cream - check! 

And the 20-minute exercise program I was going to commit to, well - not so much.

So starting tomorrow, I am on a mission to do what is right for my body and baby. I will eat less, and more of the good stuff. And I will work in those 20 minute cardio videos. My goal is to gain only 1 pound per week. 

Wow - where will another 14 pounds go on this body? I really thought my back end and hips were maxed out! This should be pretty!

For good measure, I finished off the ice cream in the freezer tonight. And just to get rid of temptation, I might as well eat the last of the choco chip cookies.

And, tomorrow will be a new day.

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