Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Letters To My Family

Since this is our family record of sorts, and I have not been very good at keeping baby books and scrapbooks up to date, please indulge me this next few posts to write a little something to my family.......starting with......

Dearest Buck,

Thank you for the blessing of our family. The love in our home is everything I hoped it would be when we married almost five years ago. We've traded in spontaneity for structure and routine these days, but I couldn't image it any other way. It is such a warm and happy home for Lily - and for Ben. Our children know they are loved and cared for, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Your dedication to Lily is honorable. And the commitment you feel for taking care of us is evident in all of the big and little things you do for us.

Dinner is always ready when we come home. Dishes are always done. Bills are paid. Investments taken care of. Gas in the car. Izzy walked and bathed. Garbage out. Toilets clean. Good morning kisses and cookies at night. Ice cream runs just for the fun of it. Double checking to be sure Lily is fast asleep. Indulging my silly requests. Warms toes touching at night.

You are appreciated and loved very much. I can't wait to see the look on your face when you hold your darling son for the first time. He will complete our family - even though we feel so whole already. God has blessed us with so much, and I know we both feel the importance of expressing our gratitude every night when we say our prayers.

I feel equally inspired to thank you for being a wonderful husband and father. We are at the beginning our our journey together as husband and wife, and as a family. I am full of pride at what we have accomplished together and what lies ahead -- all of it: the good, the bad and the ugly.

Thank you for all of the hard work and preparations you have made for us over the past few weeks. Your efforts are appreciated more than you know.

I look forward to another miraculous moment as we greet our son very soon. Sharing Lily's birth with you was one of the highlights of my life. Can you believe we are so blessed to get the chance to do it again? To fell his first breath, hear his first cry and to comfort him as he adjusts to our world. I am so ready to share that moment with you.

I love you. We all love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Honey. It is my honor and privilege to share such special moments with you and Lily. I love you both very much! I can't wait to have Ben on the team!


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