Friday, February 19, 2010

Who is having the best week ever?

Today is Ben's 3 week birthday! Time is already going way too fast. 

He is a darling little boy. Sweet and peaceful. He smells like heaven and his little coo's make my heart flutter. I am taking in every bit of him - his soft skin, sugary breath, the way his fingers curl around mine and the cool touch of his nose to my cheeks. He loves to tuck his head right under my chin. And, just the stroke of my hand on his head puts him to sleep (most of the time).

I'm not just in love with him. I am in love with this whole experience. And savoring it much more than I did the first time. For one, I know now just how quickly this will pass. And, this might be our last baby. So every moment is precious and I am trying to file all of it away in my memory.

Being a mom to two is suiting me just fine. Lily is the best of what childhood has to offer. And Ben is reminding me how precious new life is.....this has been the best three weeks ever!!!!!


Tracy Woodard said...

Great post and so true. I'm glad you are doing well and enjoying the best of being a mama to two! It will be amazing to see the relationship between Lily and Ben grow. Keep us updated!

Anonymous said...

I'm just dying to hold him and I want a copy of him in his stripped bottoms!!!! Aunt C

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